
Sunday, October 12, 2003

Just to let you all know, we are not myJabber tech support.

08:49 PM Sum1toluv how do you get the aim thingy to work? hmm
08:49 PM Sum1toluv im confuzed
08:49 PM Sum1toluv :-(
08:49 PM Sum1toluv wtf is that noice damnit
08:49 PM SlackerMike not sure what you mean, sum1
08:50 PM bob well you need to check with the myjabber page to make sure that the aim protocol is working first
08:50 PM Sum1toluv well it says you can use aim and other stuff to and i want 2 sign on to aim its not workin
08:50 PM bob other than that email the people at myJabber.
08:50 PM bob I do not know.
08:50 PM Sum1toluv why is there a noise that keeps goin...click duh duhh
08:51 PM Sum1toluv humm its pissin me off! :-@:-@
08:51 PM bob maybe you machine is going to explode.
08:51 PM Sum1toluv lol
08:51 PM Sum1toluv o i think its when i enter a msg
* SlackerMike doesn't hear any noise
08:51 PM Sum1toluv oo howd you make yourself green!
08:51 PM Sum1toluv mm cool shyt!
Sum1toluv is gone

Thursday, October 09, 2003

[00:30] SlackerMike Says: bob, you rock!

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

11:15 PM bob wondreful we have to translate a C++ line to PEP7with no idea how to do it...
11:16 PM bob if(number % 2 == 0)
11:16 PM bob I can figure out the if and the 0 it is the % that is going to take a while to figure out.
11:16 PM April Those are my favorite problems.
11:22 PM bob answer is in last chapter pages 209-10
11:22 PM bob sort of

Friday, October 03, 2003

11:10 PM I discovered something interesting in the OOT Lab on Inheritance
11:10 PM what is that Kevin
11:11 PM I split my working lab into five files, a driver, two .cpp libraries and two .h header files
11:12 PM I put the fraction class in one pair of files and the coloredFraction class in another pair of files
11:13 PM and suddenly my working program wouldn't compile, compiler said it couldn't find "fraction" base class
11:13 PM sounds weird.
11:14 PM it's probably in the book somewhere, but I thought I'd share the info
11:15 PM it turned out that the order in which you #include the .h files is important
11:16 PM hmmm I wondered about that when you first mentioned it, I know that the order functions are in makes a difference. Should not make a difference but I wonder if there is a correlation.
11:16 PM since the coloredFraction class is based on the fraction class, the fraction.h file needs to be included before the coloredFraction.h file

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