Thursday, September 11, 2003
Chat with on: Thursday, September 11, 2003
lamethus is here
lamethus is now known as April
[19:12] Kevin Says:
Hello April
[19:12] April Says:
Hello, Kevin.
[19:13] April Says:
So, have you started on the lab?
[19:14] Kevin Says:
nope, I'm still ploughing through the reading!
[19:14] Kevin Says:
I've been reading since around 1pm
[19:14] Kevin Says:
how about you?
[19:14] April Says:
[19:15] Kevin Says:
through the reading?
[19:15] April Says:
[19:15] April Says:
and the thing is, i'll forget half of it when I start to actually try the coding.
[19:16] Kevin Says:
but you'll know where to go back and look
[19:17] April Says:
apparently you have more faith in my short-term memory than I do.
[19:18] April Says:
but, from what I've seen <stopping to cross fingers>, this week's lab seems pretty straight-forward.
[19:18] Kevin Says:
are you saying my faith is misplaced?
[19:19] April Says:
I frequently forget what car I took to the grocery story.
[19:20] Kevin Says:
we don't have enough cars for that to be an issue
[19:20] April Says:
We have one car.� What does that tell you?
[19:20] Kevin Says:
that it has chameleon-like behavior?
[19:21] April Says:
lol� That's right.� It's a tricky car.� Not my fault at all. <g>
[19:21] Kevin Says:
there you go...
[19:23] April Says:
one thing I'm thinking I'm not going to like about this lab is that you're going to have to check for so many variations of the words.
[19:24] April Says:
Is there a command for C++ that's like IsCapitalized, or something.� <g>
[19:25] Kevin Says:
no, but there are "tolower() and toupper()"
[19:27] April Says:
ahhh... is that in this week's reading?
[19:27] Kevin Says:
I usually compare an upper case target string with toupper(stringimlookingat)
[19:27] Kevin Says:
[19:27] April Says:
I've never run across it.
[19:27] April Says:
So, that's good to know.
docbob is here
[19:27] Kevin Says:
I might even remember waht library it's in too
[19:28] April Says:
[19:28] Kevin Says:
Hello Bob
[19:28] April Says:
[19:28] docbob Says:
jello all.
[19:28] April Says:
hey, Bob
[19:29] docbob Says:
will be bck and forth till I get kid to bed so if I do not repond you know why.
[19:29] April Says:
toupper and tolower = #include<cctype>
[19:29] April Says:
np Bob
[19:29] April Says:
Kevin, is that the right one?
[19:29] Kevin Says:
yep, how did you find it so quickly?
[19:30] April Says:
Everyone's favorite C++ reference... Programming and Problem Solving with C++ <chuckle>
[19:31] Kevin Says:
you can't have, that lame piece of trash doesn't even have an index
[19:31] April Says:
huh?� yes, it does.� that's how i found it.� I looked up the tolower function.
[19:32] Kevin Says:
I was being facetious...
[19:32] Kevin Says:
[19:32] April Says:
oh.� <blush>� and there goes another DC-10 fly-by...
[19:33] Kevin Says:
[19:34] April Says:
As in, the joke flew right by me.
[19:34] docbob Says:
April� comb your hair so it stands stright up� less will fly over your head.
[19:35] April Says:
ba-dump, bump. <g>
[19:35] docbob Says:
but remember this is 9-11� so the joke you did could have a more serious meaning
[19:37] Kevin Says:
actually I just looked at my IDE help, and both functions� are in the C++ standard library, so you don't need to include anything if you have visual C++ .net
[19:37] April Says:
Ok.� That's good to know.
[19:38] Kevin Says:
I've finally got to the point in the book about linked lists
[19:38] April Says:
I'm reading through the lecture on an ordered linked list
[19:42] April Says:
Here's my take on the lab...
[19:42] April Says:
So basically, you read the input, ignoring irrelevant chars and placing the words in order as you go.� As you add words, if you find an instance of that word already exists, you increment your count and replace the first word with the second instance (or delete the second instance) ...
[19:43] Kevin Says:
dunno about replacing the first instance or deleting the second
[19:44] Kevin Says:
why not just increment the counter?
[19:44] April Says:
right.� read my delete instance as "don't add it to the list"
[19:44] Kevin Says:
[19:46] April Says:
so, that's easy right? <g>
[19:46] Kevin Says:
[19:47] April Says:
Kevin, did you ever find out when the lab is due?� Wasn't there some discrepancy?
[19:49] Kevin Says:
it's due Sunday midnight as far as I know
[19:50] April Says:
that's the assumption I was going on, but I thought there was something about it not being due until unit 6.
[19:52] Kevin Says:
not really, Mac put the dropbox link in Unit 6 by mistake
[19:52] April Says:
stasy_taylor is here
[19:53] Kevin Says:
Fed-ex has seven minutes to get here
[19:54] Kevin Says:
Hi Stasy
[19:54] stasy_taylor Says:
Hi, everyone!
[19:54] April Says:
Hey, Stasy
[20:00] docbob Says:
docbob is gone
stasy_taylor is gone
stasy_taylor is here
[20:02] April Says:
one thing I'm wondering is ignoring non-characters - like periods and commas.� if there is an easier way to do that than just writing a lot of code.
[20:02] Kevin Says:
[20:03] April Says:
i checked ignore - but, it doesn't work that way.� i don't think.
yby is here
[20:04] Kevin Says:
hello yby
[20:04] yby Says:
[20:04] April Says:
Hey, there.
[20:04] yby Says:
Hows this weeks assignment going?
[20:04] stasy_taylor Says:
hi yby!
[20:05] yby Says:
[20:05] stasy_taylor Says:
I've just started
[20:05] yby Says:
I just got started too.
[20:05] Kevin Says:
well the best way of doing it might be to class punctuation with spaces
[20:06] April Says:
explain that, please.
[20:06] stasy_taylor Says:
[20:06] yby Says:
Yes explain
[20:06] Kevin Says:
how do we know if we have a word?
[20:07] April Says:
if there's a space at the end.
[20:07] Kevin Says:
and at the beginning
[20:08] Kevin Says:
so for our word boundaries we look for a space to nonspace transition
[20:08] April Says:
unless it's the first word on the line, or the last
[20:08] Kevin Says:
[20:09] Kevin Says:
but we are looking for space and non-space charcters
[20:09] April Says:
[20:10] Kevin Says:
so rather than just looking for spaces, we look for punctuation too
[20:11] Kevin Says:
there is a program in the book that starts to do this
[20:12] Kevin Says:
Page 152
[20:12] stasy_taylor Says:
I started to ask 'What page', thanks
[20:12] Kevin Says:
wdcount.cpp in chapter 4 if you downloaded the source code
[20:13] Kevin Says:
it's only looking for spaces and returns, but you get the idea
[20:14] April Says:
I'll look at that more closely.� My think was on how best to do the search without having a 15-page code insert.� I was wondering if there was a built-in function, or maybe some way to put all of the non-chars in a class or something.� the input is compared to the class and then added to the linked list if it doesn't match.
[20:14] April Says:
or, something like that.
[20:16] Kevin Says:
I don't see another way, April
Steve is here
[20:21] April Says:
hey, Steve
[20:21] stasy_taylor Says:
Hi Steve
[20:21] Steve Says:
[20:21] Kevin Says:
Hey Steve
[20:21] yby Says:
Hi Steve
[20:22] April Says:
Alright, Steve, the inevitable question... how's the lab going?� Have you looked at it� yet?
[20:22] April Says:
[20:23] Kevin Says:
I have written two lines of pseudocode so far
[20:23] April Says:
Hey, I've got 6
[20:23] Steve Says:
I download the lab Sun night and have been working on searches. He changed the assignment after that. Therefore, I have been working on the wrong assignment
[20:23] April Says:
[20:23] Steve Says:
I have nothing at this point
[20:24] Steve Says:
except the desire the strangle someone
[20:24] stasy_taylor Says:
Are we having a quiz this week, I haven't seen it posted.
[20:24] Kevin Says:
[20:24] April Says:
he had mentioned it, but i think we all agreed not to remind him
[20:25] April Says:
[20:25] stasy_taylor Says:
I feel the same, but Unit 3 mentioned a quiz and I was wondering if I'd just missed something
[20:25] stasy_taylor Says:
I won't remind him
[20:26] Steve Says:
I'm not going to ask
[20:27] Steve Says:
I looked at the gradebook and it only shows a final. 4 hours long, open book
[20:28] stasy_taylor Says:
Wow four hours, croak:
[20:28] Kevin Says:
I suspect that might change
[20:28] yby Says:
I hope it does.
[20:28] Kevin Says:
first off there are only 9 units posted
[20:29] Kevin Says:
secondly, Mac seems to be revising the class as we go along
[20:29] April Says:
I found something else for the comparison... there's an islower function.
docbob is here
[20:29] Kevin Says:
and an ischar too
[20:30] Kevin Says:
Hi Bob
[20:30] Steve Says:
hi bob
[20:30] stasy_taylor Says:
Hey, doc
[20:30] April Says:
show off � i'm checking out the library right now to see if there's any other nifty stuff
Jane is here
[20:30] stasy_taylor Says:
Hi Jane
[20:30] Jane Says:
good evening everyone
[20:30] April Says:
Hello, Jane.
[20:30] Kevin Says:
Hi Jane
[20:30] Steve Says:
[20:30] yby Says:
Hi Jane
[20:31] April Says:
what about isalnum(ch)?
[20:32] Kevin Says:
I lied, it's isalpha()
[20:32] April Says:
i just got to that one... makes more sense.
[20:33] stasy_taylor Says:
where did you find isalpha()
[20:33] April Says:
it's in the standard library... part of the ccytpe
[20:33] stasy_taylor Says:
[20:33] April Says:
oops... cctype
docbob is gone
[20:34] April Says:
Kevin, you were saying with .net you don't need to #include certain header files ... is there somewhere that lists what you don't have to worry with?
[20:35] Kevin Says:
isalnum will give you true for letters and numbers
[20:35] Kevin Says:
isalpha will only give you true for letters
[20:35] April Says:
[20:36] April Says:
so, you should be able to use the isalpha instead of worrying about looking for spaces or punctuation.� read file until EOF, and as long as isalpha, read, skip rest.
[20:36] April Says:
yby is gone
docbob is here
docbob is now known as bob
[20:37] Kevin Says:
wb Bob
[20:38] bob Says:
was moving hardware around to free up load on main machine and when rebooted, I could not type on KB
[20:39] Kevin Says:
April, in answer to your question about libraries.� If you search the IDE help and look at the examples, you will see what they included
[20:39] bob Says:
BTW� if anyone is interested� we can put this chat session for class up on the blog for the chat room/
[20:39] Jane Says:
wb Bob
[20:39] Kevin Says:
for example: #include <locale>
#include <iostream>
for a prog using isalnum
[20:41] April Says:
Am I going way off track here with the isalpha idea?
bob has changed the subject to: check the blog at
[20:41] Kevin Says:
I don't think so
* stasy_taylor opens
[20:42] Jane Says:
does everyone have this link to the C++ libraries?�
* April opens
* stasy_taylor opens
[20:43] April Says:
aren't y'all so glad that jabber keeps you up to date with what's going on in my life? <g>
[20:44] April Says:
Thanks, Jane.�
[20:44] Jane Says:
plus free smileys� - you're welcome April
[20:44] stasy_taylor Says:
yes, thanks!
[20:44] Kevin Says:
thanks Jane
[20:45] Jane Says:
it has helped me -- nice reference
[20:47] April Says:
so, here's what I'm thinking... *don't read this if you don't want to be spoiled by potential ignorance <g>*�� while != EOF, if (isalpha(inputChar)), else next node.
[20:48] Steve Says:
are you looking for the end of file or the end of a word
[20:48] April Says:
end of file
* bob opens
* stasy_taylor opens
* Steve opens
[20:51] Kevin Says:
April, what is the action if the charcter is alpha?
[20:52] Kevin Says:
maybe�append it to a string
* Steve opens
[20:52] April Says:
it would keeping adding characters to the string.� when it hits a non-character, it moves to the next node.
[20:52] Kevin Says:
[20:53] Kevin Says:
at that point we should also process the word we just found
[20:53] Steve Says:
Bob, are you going to post this session to the blogspot?
[20:53] Kevin Says:
compare it against the list of ignored words
[20:53] April Says:
[20:54] April Says:
or, you could just get the words into the list and then go back through and do the compare to restricted words, compare for duplicates, and count
[20:55] bob Says:
Steve, I do not have the whole session.� If someone wants to forward it to me or Jane we can put it up.
[20:56] bob Says:
Just do a save when you get ready to exit the room and it will save it as text or html file�� either will work.
[20:56] April Says:
can you nest whiles?� is that even allowed, or is it messy?� i can't think of ever having done it or seen it done.
[20:59] bob Says:
yes you can nest a while�� do one while inside another....
[20:59] Kevin Says:
I've never done it
[21:00] Kevin Says:
the outer while would only be tested after the inner while had expired
[21:00] bob Says:
not paying a lot of attention to convo� still reading....
[21:00] April Says:
as long as we know it can be done, that's half the battle, right? <g>
[21:00] bob Says:
yes Kevin� that would be true.
[21:01] bob Says:
I think it would be easier to set flags and do and AND myself though.
[21:01] Jane Says:
you just have to be careful about your ending bracket
[21:01] Kevin Says:
it might be better to use an AND or an OR� in a single WHILE..
[21:02] Jane Says:
[21:02] April Says:
well, i'm thinking outer while to test for EOF, inner while to order list, if to check for string and compare to restricted words.
[21:03] April Says:
naw, scratch that.
[21:07] April Says:
Well, I'm going to head off, guys.� Go spend some time with the lovey.� (Can you call a man a 'lovey'?)�
[21:08] Steve Says:
I'm having the inside of the house painted this week and the fumes are killing me. I am going to call it a night. See ya later
Steve is gone
[21:08] April Says:
Night, all.
[21:08] stasy_taylor Says:
see ya,
April is gone
[21:09] stasy_taylor Says:
I'd better have some dinner......... until next time, so long.
stasy_taylor is gone
[21:11] Kevin Says:
so did the study group all leave?
[21:11] bob Says:
appears so,� did anyone record it for prosperrity.� someone asked me if it would go up on the blog.
[21:11] Jane Says:
I was thinking that maybe a couple of the functions in our second function hw might be useful here
[21:11] Kevin Says:
I did
[21:12] Kevin Says:
who should I mail it to?
[21:12] bob Says:
well Jane or I can post it if you want to.
[21:12] bob Says:
Jane� I will flip you for it.
[21:12] Kevin Says:
some of those functions might indeed be useful
[21:13] Kevin Says:
should we be doing a 3 filer for this lab?
[21:14] bob Says:
have not even looked, still doing readings between putting kids to bed and getting food to eat etc.
[21:14] Jane Says:
you win Bob
[21:15] bob Says:
make it to out of 3��
[21:15] bob Says:
send the log for the blog to me Kevin.
[21:16] Jane Says:
I didn't see anywhere that he said he wanted 3 files
lamethus is here
lamethus is now known as April
[19:12] Kevin Says:
Hello April
[19:12] April Says:
Hello, Kevin.
[19:13] April Says:
So, have you started on the lab?
[19:14] Kevin Says:
nope, I'm still ploughing through the reading!
[19:14] Kevin Says:
I've been reading since around 1pm
[19:14] Kevin Says:
how about you?
[19:14] April Says:
[19:15] Kevin Says:
through the reading?
[19:15] April Says:
[19:15] April Says:
and the thing is, i'll forget half of it when I start to actually try the coding.
[19:16] Kevin Says:
but you'll know where to go back and look
[19:17] April Says:
apparently you have more faith in my short-term memory than I do.
[19:18] April Says:
but, from what I've seen <stopping to cross fingers>, this week's lab seems pretty straight-forward.
[19:18] Kevin Says:
are you saying my faith is misplaced?
[19:19] April Says:
I frequently forget what car I took to the grocery story.
[19:20] Kevin Says:
we don't have enough cars for that to be an issue
[19:20] April Says:
We have one car.� What does that tell you?
[19:20] Kevin Says:
that it has chameleon-like behavior?
[19:21] April Says:
lol� That's right.� It's a tricky car.� Not my fault at all. <g>
[19:21] Kevin Says:
there you go...
[19:23] April Says:
one thing I'm thinking I'm not going to like about this lab is that you're going to have to check for so many variations of the words.
[19:24] April Says:
Is there a command for C++ that's like IsCapitalized, or something.� <g>
[19:25] Kevin Says:
no, but there are "tolower() and toupper()"
[19:27] April Says:
ahhh... is that in this week's reading?
[19:27] Kevin Says:
I usually compare an upper case target string with toupper(stringimlookingat)
[19:27] Kevin Says:
[19:27] April Says:
I've never run across it.
[19:27] April Says:
So, that's good to know.
docbob is here
[19:27] Kevin Says:
I might even remember waht library it's in too
[19:28] April Says:
[19:28] Kevin Says:
Hello Bob
[19:28] April Says:
[19:28] docbob Says:
jello all.
[19:28] April Says:
hey, Bob
[19:29] docbob Says:
will be bck and forth till I get kid to bed so if I do not repond you know why.
[19:29] April Says:
toupper and tolower = #include<cctype>
[19:29] April Says:
np Bob
[19:29] April Says:
Kevin, is that the right one?
[19:29] Kevin Says:
yep, how did you find it so quickly?
[19:30] April Says:
Everyone's favorite C++ reference... Programming and Problem Solving with C++ <chuckle>
[19:31] Kevin Says:
you can't have, that lame piece of trash doesn't even have an index
[19:31] April Says:
huh?� yes, it does.� that's how i found it.� I looked up the tolower function.
[19:32] Kevin Says:
I was being facetious...
[19:32] Kevin Says:
[19:32] April Says:
oh.� <blush>� and there goes another DC-10 fly-by...
[19:33] Kevin Says:
[19:34] April Says:
As in, the joke flew right by me.
[19:34] docbob Says:
April� comb your hair so it stands stright up� less will fly over your head.
[19:35] April Says:
ba-dump, bump. <g>
[19:35] docbob Says:
but remember this is 9-11� so the joke you did could have a more serious meaning
[19:37] Kevin Says:
actually I just looked at my IDE help, and both functions� are in the C++ standard library, so you don't need to include anything if you have visual C++ .net
[19:37] April Says:
Ok.� That's good to know.
[19:38] Kevin Says:
I've finally got to the point in the book about linked lists
[19:38] April Says:
I'm reading through the lecture on an ordered linked list
[19:42] April Says:
Here's my take on the lab...
[19:42] April Says:
So basically, you read the input, ignoring irrelevant chars and placing the words in order as you go.� As you add words, if you find an instance of that word already exists, you increment your count and replace the first word with the second instance (or delete the second instance) ...
[19:43] Kevin Says:
dunno about replacing the first instance or deleting the second
[19:44] Kevin Says:
why not just increment the counter?
[19:44] April Says:
right.� read my delete instance as "don't add it to the list"
[19:44] Kevin Says:
[19:46] April Says:
so, that's easy right? <g>
[19:46] Kevin Says:
[19:47] April Says:
Kevin, did you ever find out when the lab is due?� Wasn't there some discrepancy?
[19:49] Kevin Says:
it's due Sunday midnight as far as I know
[19:50] April Says:
that's the assumption I was going on, but I thought there was something about it not being due until unit 6.
[19:52] Kevin Says:
not really, Mac put the dropbox link in Unit 6 by mistake
[19:52] April Says:
stasy_taylor is here
[19:53] Kevin Says:
Fed-ex has seven minutes to get here
[19:54] Kevin Says:
Hi Stasy
[19:54] stasy_taylor Says:
Hi, everyone!
[19:54] April Says:
Hey, Stasy
[20:00] docbob Says:
docbob is gone
stasy_taylor is gone
stasy_taylor is here
[20:02] April Says:
one thing I'm wondering is ignoring non-characters - like periods and commas.� if there is an easier way to do that than just writing a lot of code.
[20:02] Kevin Says:
[20:03] April Says:
i checked ignore - but, it doesn't work that way.� i don't think.
yby is here
[20:04] Kevin Says:
hello yby
[20:04] yby Says:
[20:04] April Says:
Hey, there.
[20:04] yby Says:
Hows this weeks assignment going?
[20:04] stasy_taylor Says:
hi yby!
[20:05] yby Says:
[20:05] stasy_taylor Says:
I've just started
[20:05] yby Says:
I just got started too.
[20:05] Kevin Says:
well the best way of doing it might be to class punctuation with spaces
[20:06] April Says:
explain that, please.
[20:06] stasy_taylor Says:
[20:06] yby Says:
Yes explain
[20:06] Kevin Says:
how do we know if we have a word?
[20:07] April Says:
if there's a space at the end.
[20:07] Kevin Says:
and at the beginning
[20:08] Kevin Says:
so for our word boundaries we look for a space to nonspace transition
[20:08] April Says:
unless it's the first word on the line, or the last
[20:08] Kevin Says:
[20:09] Kevin Says:
but we are looking for space and non-space charcters
[20:09] April Says:
[20:10] Kevin Says:
so rather than just looking for spaces, we look for punctuation too
[20:11] Kevin Says:
there is a program in the book that starts to do this
[20:12] Kevin Says:
Page 152
[20:12] stasy_taylor Says:
I started to ask 'What page', thanks
[20:12] Kevin Says:
wdcount.cpp in chapter 4 if you downloaded the source code
[20:13] Kevin Says:
it's only looking for spaces and returns, but you get the idea
[20:14] April Says:
I'll look at that more closely.� My think was on how best to do the search without having a 15-page code insert.� I was wondering if there was a built-in function, or maybe some way to put all of the non-chars in a class or something.� the input is compared to the class and then added to the linked list if it doesn't match.
[20:14] April Says:
or, something like that.
[20:16] Kevin Says:
I don't see another way, April
Steve is here
[20:21] April Says:
hey, Steve
[20:21] stasy_taylor Says:
Hi Steve
[20:21] Steve Says:
[20:21] Kevin Says:
Hey Steve
[20:21] yby Says:
Hi Steve
[20:22] April Says:
Alright, Steve, the inevitable question... how's the lab going?� Have you looked at it� yet?
[20:22] April Says:
[20:23] Kevin Says:
I have written two lines of pseudocode so far
[20:23] April Says:
Hey, I've got 6
[20:23] Steve Says:
I download the lab Sun night and have been working on searches. He changed the assignment after that. Therefore, I have been working on the wrong assignment
[20:23] April Says:
[20:23] Steve Says:
I have nothing at this point
[20:24] Steve Says:
except the desire the strangle someone
[20:24] stasy_taylor Says:
Are we having a quiz this week, I haven't seen it posted.
[20:24] Kevin Says:
[20:24] April Says:
he had mentioned it, but i think we all agreed not to remind him
[20:25] April Says:
[20:25] stasy_taylor Says:
I feel the same, but Unit 3 mentioned a quiz and I was wondering if I'd just missed something
[20:25] stasy_taylor Says:
I won't remind him
[20:26] Steve Says:
I'm not going to ask
[20:27] Steve Says:
I looked at the gradebook and it only shows a final. 4 hours long, open book
[20:28] stasy_taylor Says:
Wow four hours, croak:
[20:28] Kevin Says:
I suspect that might change
[20:28] yby Says:
I hope it does.
[20:28] Kevin Says:
first off there are only 9 units posted
[20:29] Kevin Says:
secondly, Mac seems to be revising the class as we go along
[20:29] April Says:
I found something else for the comparison... there's an islower function.
docbob is here
[20:29] Kevin Says:
and an ischar too
[20:30] Kevin Says:
Hi Bob
[20:30] Steve Says:
hi bob
[20:30] stasy_taylor Says:
Hey, doc
[20:30] April Says:
show off � i'm checking out the library right now to see if there's any other nifty stuff
Jane is here
[20:30] stasy_taylor Says:
Hi Jane
[20:30] Jane Says:
good evening everyone
[20:30] April Says:
Hello, Jane.
[20:30] Kevin Says:
Hi Jane
[20:30] Steve Says:
[20:30] yby Says:
Hi Jane
[20:31] April Says:
what about isalnum(ch)?
[20:32] Kevin Says:
I lied, it's isalpha()
[20:32] April Says:
i just got to that one... makes more sense.
[20:33] stasy_taylor Says:
where did you find isalpha()
[20:33] April Says:
it's in the standard library... part of the ccytpe
[20:33] stasy_taylor Says:
[20:33] April Says:
oops... cctype
docbob is gone
[20:34] April Says:
Kevin, you were saying with .net you don't need to #include certain header files ... is there somewhere that lists what you don't have to worry with?
[20:35] Kevin Says:
isalnum will give you true for letters and numbers
[20:35] Kevin Says:
isalpha will only give you true for letters
[20:35] April Says:
[20:36] April Says:
so, you should be able to use the isalpha instead of worrying about looking for spaces or punctuation.� read file until EOF, and as long as isalpha, read, skip rest.
[20:36] April Says:
yby is gone
docbob is here
docbob is now known as bob
[20:37] Kevin Says:
wb Bob
[20:38] bob Says:
was moving hardware around to free up load on main machine and when rebooted, I could not type on KB
[20:39] Kevin Says:
April, in answer to your question about libraries.� If you search the IDE help and look at the examples, you will see what they included
[20:39] bob Says:
BTW� if anyone is interested� we can put this chat session for class up on the blog for the chat room/
[20:39] Jane Says:
wb Bob
[20:39] Kevin Says:
for example: #include <locale>
#include <iostream>
for a prog using isalnum
[20:41] April Says:
Am I going way off track here with the isalpha idea?
bob has changed the subject to: check the blog at
[20:41] Kevin Says:
I don't think so
* stasy_taylor opens
[20:42] Jane Says:
does everyone have this link to the C++ libraries?�
* April opens
* stasy_taylor opens
[20:43] April Says:
aren't y'all so glad that jabber keeps you up to date with what's going on in my life? <g>
[20:44] April Says:
Thanks, Jane.�
[20:44] Jane Says:
plus free smileys� - you're welcome April
[20:44] stasy_taylor Says:
yes, thanks!
[20:44] Kevin Says:
thanks Jane
[20:45] Jane Says:
it has helped me -- nice reference
[20:47] April Says:
so, here's what I'm thinking... *don't read this if you don't want to be spoiled by potential ignorance <g>*�� while != EOF, if (isalpha(inputChar)), else next node.
[20:48] Steve Says:
are you looking for the end of file or the end of a word
[20:48] April Says:
end of file
* bob opens
* stasy_taylor opens
* Steve opens
[20:51] Kevin Says:
April, what is the action if the charcter is alpha?
[20:52] Kevin Says:
maybe�append it to a string
* Steve opens
[20:52] April Says:
it would keeping adding characters to the string.� when it hits a non-character, it moves to the next node.
[20:52] Kevin Says:
[20:53] Kevin Says:
at that point we should also process the word we just found
[20:53] Steve Says:
Bob, are you going to post this session to the blogspot?
[20:53] Kevin Says:
compare it against the list of ignored words
[20:53] April Says:
[20:54] April Says:
or, you could just get the words into the list and then go back through and do the compare to restricted words, compare for duplicates, and count
[20:55] bob Says:
Steve, I do not have the whole session.� If someone wants to forward it to me or Jane we can put it up.
[20:56] bob Says:
Just do a save when you get ready to exit the room and it will save it as text or html file�� either will work.
[20:56] April Says:
can you nest whiles?� is that even allowed, or is it messy?� i can't think of ever having done it or seen it done.
[20:59] bob Says:
yes you can nest a while�� do one while inside another....
[20:59] Kevin Says:
I've never done it
[21:00] Kevin Says:
the outer while would only be tested after the inner while had expired
[21:00] bob Says:
not paying a lot of attention to convo� still reading....
[21:00] April Says:
as long as we know it can be done, that's half the battle, right? <g>
[21:00] bob Says:
yes Kevin� that would be true.
[21:01] bob Says:
I think it would be easier to set flags and do and AND myself though.
[21:01] Jane Says:
you just have to be careful about your ending bracket
[21:01] Kevin Says:
it might be better to use an AND or an OR� in a single WHILE..
[21:02] Jane Says:
[21:02] April Says:
well, i'm thinking outer while to test for EOF, inner while to order list, if to check for string and compare to restricted words.
[21:03] April Says:
naw, scratch that.
[21:07] April Says:
Well, I'm going to head off, guys.� Go spend some time with the lovey.� (Can you call a man a 'lovey'?)�
[21:08] Steve Says:
I'm having the inside of the house painted this week and the fumes are killing me. I am going to call it a night. See ya later
Steve is gone
[21:08] April Says:
Night, all.
[21:08] stasy_taylor Says:
see ya,
April is gone
[21:09] stasy_taylor Says:
I'd better have some dinner......... until next time, so long.
stasy_taylor is gone
[21:11] Kevin Says:
so did the study group all leave?
[21:11] bob Says:
appears so,� did anyone record it for prosperrity.� someone asked me if it would go up on the blog.
[21:11] Jane Says:
I was thinking that maybe a couple of the functions in our second function hw might be useful here
[21:11] Kevin Says:
I did
[21:12] Kevin Says:
who should I mail it to?
[21:12] bob Says:
well Jane or I can post it if you want to.
[21:12] bob Says:
Jane� I will flip you for it.
[21:12] Kevin Says:
some of those functions might indeed be useful
[21:13] Kevin Says:
should we be doing a 3 filer for this lab?
[21:14] bob Says:
have not even looked, still doing readings between putting kids to bed and getting food to eat etc.
[21:14] Jane Says:
you win Bob
[21:15] bob Says:
make it to out of 3��
[21:15] bob Says:
send the log for the blog to me Kevin.
[21:16] Jane Says:
I didn't see anywhere that he said he wanted 3 files